Palmistry as an exact science has not developed in India to the extent it has in Europe and America. This is mainly due to the fact that its exponents here, Brahmin priest, do not keep abreast of modern research and adhere to antiquated rules and techniques.

Health & Fitness
Standard works in Palmistry are in great numbers – by famous palmists, ancient and modern – are available. Indian system appears to be in a better position to interpret many complex and baffling aspects than any other system in the world. If Palmistry today has an honoured place among recognized sciences, it is owning to the good work of outstanding practitioners, like Desbarroles, Cheiro, Benham, Mrs. St. Hill. Mrs. Robinson, Count St. Germain, and Mr. Noel Jaquin.

Palmistry shows certain signs and marks regarding marriage, love affairs, friendship, divorce and widowhood described by European writers, are absent from Indian hands. The Hindu school of Palmistry calls the main lines by different names. For instance, the line of Heart is called Ayu Rekha and Line of Life, the line of Head the Matri Rekha or Mother Line. The indications of the lines given by Hindu writers nevertheless resemble in broad principles the interpretation of Western authors. According to Cheiro and St. Germain, the shape and type of the hand have to be borne in mind in order to determine the social position of the subject, and the, lines alone are not as important as it has been thought so far.

Palmistry can prove useful to physicians in the treatment of patients; to parents concerned about the future of their children to teachers planning programmers of instruction; and to men and women who contemplate matrimony. Indian Universities should introduce Palmistry as a subject of study. This would tend to popularise it, so that subsequently it could be made a compulsory subject to be taught with Child Psychology, to pupil-teachers in Normal Schools and University Training Colleges. This may sound novel and startling, but it is a fact that in Ancient India the guru was at once priest, teacher, and palmist or astrologer.


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